Welcome to the Internet home of Gianthropology. Please vicariously join Gianthropologist Professor Robideau in his relentless pursuit of Giant Things, discovering along with him the acme of human endeavor.
The Cyber Entrance to Gianthropology ~ The door is always open
Read all about the Professor's life as a Gianthropologist and his science of Gianthropology. Peruse The Big Picture magazine.
Keeping a watchful eye, observing the sites, Professor Robideau files his archive of Dig data and reports on his sightings here.
Gianthropology's brain trust where you will find a huge cache of bibliographies, publications, exhibitions and movies.
Unless otherwise noted, all images and writing on this site come from Henri Robideau’s camera, pen and over active imagination. Even though he has failed to embrace capitalism, take note the creative content herein is protected under his copyright:
© Henri Robideau
While the expense of being a Gianthropologist has been largely borne by Henri Robideau and his family, he would like to express his gratitude to the Canada Council for the Arts for their generous support of his Digs, especially the 1984 Big Dig and a Senior Arts Award in 2001, from which this web site originated.
© 2021 Henri Robideau